MrPickles’ GAME OVER

This August, MrPickles, our CATivist is having his first solo show at  Little Monroe Gallery. The show is divided in two parts: first, a short film of 121 seconds, GAME OVER, where MrPickles presents some of his ongoing interests. Please watch the movie here:

This film was prepared in collaboration with TetraPAKMAN, who followed the directions and suggestions of MrPickles. An exploration of society and its power structures, in specific relation to the fossil fuel industry represented by the train.

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The second part of the show is the physical piece at the Little Monroe Gallery, 1901 Monroe St.  (KITTY corner from Trader Joe’s). In this case is the reinterpretation that MrPickles developed from the first piece TetraPAKMAN presented in Madison: WILD AMERICA 121 elements. The title of the show, GAME OVER, is MrPickles’ answer to the recurrent practice of TetraPAKMAN: the accumulation of materials.

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MrPickles, the CATivist, is an orange short-haired one-year-old cat. He has been a member of the USgathering team since February 2015 when he joined TetraPAKMAN in the studio practice. His interests are: playing with his mouse, futbol soccer, taking care of the environment, gardening, and fish tacos. To learn more about his projects, please visit the USgathering instragram feed, where he constantly is posting news.